Айдентика диджитал-арт триатлон Phygital

Brand Platform / Visual identity / Communication
Client: Phygital
Tyumen / 2021
Design: Дмитрий Сырпин
Digital art triathlon Phygital is a free project for designers, developers and anyone interested in interactive media. A multi-stage project to identify, train and produce interactive media professionals. Shaped mustache © oИœŸ © yara ™ ˆœ´œя months œn'era ¥ ´ –ИнÊхme –– STRENGTHENING AND INCREASING THE COMPETENCES OF SPECIALISTS STI IN THE SPHERE OF INTERACTIVE ME? IA; CREATION OF A CHAIN OF INTERACTION OF FEATURES AND LOCAL EXPERTS POPs? ATELEY; A COLLABORATION OF SPECIALISTS IN DIFFERENT AREAS? NEWS, WITH A PURPOSE TO POP? ANY OF NEW PRO? DOCUMENTS FOR MONETIZING TALENTS;

To create a corporate identity, we have compiled a tonality table in which we combined elements of retro digital, webpunk and modern art. The original use of contradictory elements, pixelization of space and fonts and various small details give a special charm to the project.