Презентация для шрифта, созданная на курсах графического дизайна в B&D Institute. Вдохновлялась эпохой ревущих двадцатых в США и, конечно же, Великим Гэтсби.
BROADWAY font presentation was created as a part of the typography classes at the graphic design courses in B&D Institute. My inspiration was the Age of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald).
BROADWAY is a decorative typeface, the archetypal Art Deco typeface. The original face was designed by Morris Fuller Benton in 1927 for ATF as a capitals only display face. It had a long initial run of popularity, before being discontinued by ATF in 1954. It was re-discovered in the Cold Type Era and has been used ever since to evoke the feeling of the twenties and thirties.